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First, we root into the body of earth.

Then, we root into the waters of life.

Now, we rise.

We create.

We become.



A Luxurious Feminine Mysteries Retreat for Magical Women


may 24 - 31 • Ithaca, Greece


• Initiation of the Waters

• Movement and Embodiment

• Traditional Yoga, Meditation, and Breathwork

• Ritual and Ceremony

• Mermaid and Sound Medicine 

• The Path of Devotion

• Beauty Medicine

• Myth, Mysticism, and Oracular Magic

• Deep Dimensions of Feminine Mysteries

• Luxury Accommodation on the Ionian Sea

• Traditional Greek Nourishment



Into the Mysteries is a devotional container for the woman who is ready to return to the deep feminine waters of life, embody her unique magic, and become the creatress of her reality and world.​​​​

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retreat testimonial

"Into the Wild is not a retreat: it is a living prayer, a circle, a remembrance, and above all, an opportunity to recalibrate to one's own essential nature.

It was an elemental journey that took me into the deep, dark, healing wellsprings within my own being. I learned how to source from there. I learned how to breathe, move, and speak from there.

Alena is a deeply embodied and integrated being who will support you, guide you, and hold the container beautifully. This felt like a true reintroduction to the Goddess. There is a lot of fluff out there, especially regarding deep feminine work. This is not that. If you feel a resonance…it is for a reason. You have been called."
The Experience

The Experience

Shamanic Ecosomatic Healing Journeys

Experience powerful earth-based evolutionary shamanic practices that bring harmony, connection, and healing.

Yoga & Movement

Traditional Ashtanga based yoga blended with feminine inspired yoga. Meditation and breathwork. Intuitive movement and dance to deepen embodiment and somatic awakening.


Afternoon Ritual & Ceremonial Sessions

Experience transformational rituals that reawaken the mysteries of the feminine within and deepen our connection to our innate magic.

Three Water Ceremonies

Immerse yourself in soul-cleansing and activating water rituals and initiations that bring renewal, emotional release, and ignite our inner waters of creation.

Beauty Medicine & Devotional Practices

Embody your radiance and embody the creative power of ancient feminine wisdom through reclaiming our magnetism and vessels of devotion..

Teachings & Transmissions

Receive guidance and insights that activate deep healing, remembrance, transformation,  and spiritual awakening.

Boat Trip to Virgin Beaches

 Bathe in crystal waters, bask in breathtaking landscapes, and a immerse yourself in a depth of uninhibitedness on these raw beautiful beaches.

Optional Massages

Relax and rejuvenate with therapeutic bodywork (available at additional cost).

Private & Secluded Beaches

Only steps away from our Luxury Villa, enjoy serene secluded beaches for reflection, rest, swims, and deep connection with the magic of this land.

Personal Healings & Support

 Receive individualised attention, guidance, healings, and support throughout our time together to ensure that you go home perfectly completed in your journey.


Ritual+ Ceremony

Practices, Ceremony, & Ritual

During Into the Mysteries we will be working with practices, ceremonies, and rituals from various shamanic, yogic, and feminine mystery lineages that have been coherently woven together to align us to the frequencies of this magic.


We will be working with, experiencing, and exploring:

• Holistic dimensions of the Traditional Yoga systems of Ashtanga and Shaktism Tantra to open the somatic intelligence and energetics of our bodies.


Rituals of esoteric ancient feminine lineages that will guide us to reconnect to our deeper magic and inner oracular vision.


Ceremonies that are designed to hold us as we drop the veils to realign ourselves to the deeper currents of feminine intelligence all around us. This includes working with Plant Allies (some that are native to the Mediterranean) who will guide us in the thinning of the veils between the worlds to activate deeper states of feminine consciousness. 

• Transmissions through feminine energy magic to work with the quantum feminine consciousness. Transmissions will work with these energies to restructure your own inner templates and repair your quantum DNA. Through these energies we will remember ourselves within these quantum feminine frequencies, upon which our own inner structures of feminine magic will come online and begin to constellate, shifting and realigning the patterns within our energetic bodies and lives. We will literally be quantum leaping.


Grief Ceremony will open us to the deep waters and mermaid within, to lament and embody the rivers flowing within our lives, and to alchemise loss and pain into clarity and flow.

Mikveh Ritual Cleansing Ceremony is a lineage-held ceremony where women are ritually cleansed and rebirthed.

Water Initiation Ceremony: We will complete our time together with a water initiation ceremony where we formally activate the mysteries of water and the mermaid lineages within our bodies, psyches, and energetic structures.

Initiation of Water

Water is the quantum realm.

Water is older than earth. It arrived here at the beginning of time as stardust, structuring itself into the great primordial womb of ocean. It is from this mother ocean that earth emerged.

Water is the brilliance of the quantum realms structured into the intelligence of matter. It is light consciousness encrypted into elemental patterning.

Like women, water is cosmic intelligence encoded into a biological body that is a fractal of earth's greater rhythms and cyclical nature.

Like the oceans of earth, our bodies and psyches move alongside the ebbs and flows of cosmic tides.

Like the great primordial mother ocean, our wombs hold the same watery templates of creation.


The ancient priestesses of earth knew how to access the creative forces of the great cosmic mother, she who gave birth to the entire universe, through the portals and templates hidden within the mysteries of their own bodies and wombs. They knew how to encode new templates of creation into the structures of water in order to access and create through the quantum realms.

They knew how to unlock the magic of dissolution and darkness alongside the powers creation and radiance through the mysteries of the waters, within and without.


With the oracular powers that connected them to a greater feminine intelligence, these ancient women knew how to create and destroy alongside the great mother herself.


They knew how to weave reality into being, from the creative templates within their bodies, alongside a greater life-honouring intelligence of Gaia.

This wisdom, power, and magic are still available to us. It is encoded into the matter and quantum spirals within our bodies and souls.

During Into the Mysteries we use initiation, ritual, and ceremony to reawaken our inherent connection to the waters of life.

We journey into our depths, reclaim the pearl within our waters, and rise up as creatresses of our worlds.

Women are like water.


We are dual in our nature. Our strength is inherent rather than brute. We flow, but we are also deeply structured with primal intelligence. We are soft, calming, and nourishing, but also fierce, wild, and ancient. Water is cleansing as well as creative. As women when we reclaim our relationship to water, we reclaim a greater whole of our nature and who we truly are.

Water Initiation

Mermaid Medicine

Mermaid Medicine is womb magic and lunar magic. 

While mermaids are queens of the realms of water, they are also dual in nature. Just as earth arose out of the depths for a new incarnation of life, mermaids also arise from the depths to experience land.


Half human and half underwater creature, mermaids embody one of the deepest duality of woman. We are the keepers of the deep watery depths of dream and magical realms, while also being able to climb onto the earth and into the light as mistresses of everyday life.

We are mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, entrepreneurs, gardeners, writers, bosses, business women, and homemakers. But regardless of what our earthly realm incarnation is, beneath the surface we are magical, deep, profound, oracular beings with an innate connection to the realms of spirit and mystery.


Into the Mysteries is a calling to descend beneath the surface of our lives, to reclaim the pearl of our soul's essence, and to resurface having awakened an even greater depth of our being.

Like all women, mermaids embody the duality of deep primordial oceanic depths alongside earthly desires and dispositions, all woven into one magical being.


In this sense, women are all mermaids as we are all keepers of the spiritual dream depths while also are keepers of the manifest reality.

Mermaids are a lineage keeper to some of the oldest lineages of feminine mysteries and magic on earth. They are guardians of an ancient realm as well as guides into the deep watery depths of our own souls. They teach us about the sacred dualities that are embodied within the experience of being a woman. They show us the realms of deep healing, guide us to the hidden pearls within our own depths, and also teach us how to arise from the waters as creators so we may sing the song of our soul into the world.


Mermaids are beautiful, magnetic, and enchanting, while also being mysterious, alluring, and sometimes terrifying.


Into the Mysteries is a reclaiming of the lineages of magnetic mermaids and feminine magic that runs through our blood and the depths of our dream consciousness so we may remember the profound multidimensionality of our nature, align ourselves to our deepest truth and desire, and create and rise into the world from that pearl within.


The Mermaids
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The Embodied Oracle

Women are oracular by nature. Because of our innate connection to the deep depths of the dream realms and the womb of Gaia, we are able to intuit the underlying patterns and weaving of reality.  

Oracles are masterful at pattern recognition across vast realms and dimensions. and the precognition of the future and recordings of the past. 

Many women feel their deeper psychic or intuitive nature, but have yet to harness its powers and crystallise it into a vehicle for a more aligned  purpose. 

Our oracular powers live within our bodies and within our relationship to earth, cosmos, and the dreamtime realms. Oracular magic offer us the ability to see into the underlying weavings of reality so we can receive the templates for creation that are in coherence with a greater intelligence. 

For our creative powers to be aligned and weave sustainable creations into being, the conception shall arrive into us from a greater mother intelligence. Just as a spirit arrives in the womb for gestation and birth, so do all the creations that we weave into reality. 

Like the ancient priestess of ancient eras, we must awaken our oracular magic in order to receive the inceptions of our creations from a greater intelligence, so the codes of our own creation are aligned with the codes of creation for the entire universe.

Into the Mysteries guides us through practices, ritual, and ceremony to reawaken and open the deep feminine eyes of our consciousness, so we may incept the reality that wants to be birthed through our womb and once again weave alongside the greater powers and womb of creation.

The Oracle

Resurrection of the Temple

Into the Mysteries is the resurrection of an ancient temple of awakened magical women in service of a new world.

Together we are responding to the call of Gaia and Mother Earth, and we are reawakening and anchoring a new era of feminine consciousness on earth in service of life.

Once upon a time humanity on earth was structured through a web of shamanesses, temples, and priestesses that honoured and served a greater feminine consciousness in harmony with regenerative powers and cyclical nature of life on earth.

Several thousand years ago, the age of feminine consciousness fell. The temples were destroyed. The priestesses and keepers of the ancient feminine mysteries were decimated. And the wisdom that had sustained humanity for millennia went underground into hiding. Waiting for a time on earth when it was ripe to return.

That time is now.

As women we are not only being called in to heal and reawaken our feminine selves, but we are also being called to rise, to resurrect the ancient temples
for new age on earth, and to be the midwives who birth a new era of consciousness into being.

Into the Mysteries is the blueprint and a stone laid in the resurrection of the temple. It is a magical transformative container for women to reclaim their magic, devotion, and powers of creation as vital threads weaving this new earth into being.
The Temple
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Ecosomatic + Psychosomatic Embodiment

As women we are deeply psychosomatic beings. We access the depths of our dreamtime realms and wisdom within through the body. Conscious movement brings codes of intelligence within our bodies online, while also allowing for deep healing and embodiment. 

Embodiment is the key that opens the portals and cosmic doorways within our own bodies. It is through embodiment that we awaken our somatic intelligence and the umbilical cord that connects us to the greater cosmic womb of Gaia.

Through movement we release the programs and conditioning that are in place that prevent us from embodying our magnetism, authenticity, desire, pleasure, creativity, sensuality, and full expression.

We break free from the chains that have held us and told us to fit into a culturally approved moulding, and we are able to expand and blossom into our deepest radiance.

During Into the Mysteries we will work with various practices of movement and embodiment to guide us deeper into the intelligence within our bodies.

Practices we will be exploring include: Intuitive Movement + Dance, Traditional Ashtanga Yoga, Lunar Yoga, Ecosomatic Meditations.


Beauty Medicine

Into the Mysteries is where raw beauty meets luxury.

Beauty Medicine is a vital dimension to our feminine depths. It is how we innate choose to express and adorn ourselves and the world around us that arises from a deep attunement to truth, sensuality, and harmony.

Like the ancient priestesses who lived on these lands for millennia, we remember that our bodies are living breathing expressions of divinity and we reclaim the feminine arts of adorning and luxuriating
ourselves in ways fit for a goddess. 

Beauty Medicine is a deep reclaiming and awakening of our feminine powers of magnetism, devotion, and creation.

We use the practices and rituals of Beauty Medicine as an aspect of feminine magic that allows us to reclaim our soul's essence and explore how it wants to express itself to the outer world.

During Into the Mysteries, we will be unlocking the codes to beauty, expression, and sensuality through ritual and practice.

Beauty Medicine
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Luxury Accommodation & Nourishment

Into the Mysteries is homed in one of the most beautiful retreat centres on one of the most raw and beautiful islands in Greece. 

Itha108 is an award-winning eco-luxurious retreat centre that offers all the comforts and nourishment attuned to the sensual and somatic needs of women.
Built into the raw cliffs of Ithaca overlooking the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean and the dramatic cliffs of Kefalonia, it has a private pool, secluded terraces, indoor and outdoor yoga spaces, nature-based mattresses and linens, and many different areas for relaxing. All while being only steps away from a pristine and secluded white pebble beach.
Itha108 is the essence of raw beauty, alluring luxury, and mystical ethos.

Itha108 overlooks the sea and the eastern coastline of neighbouring Kefalonia from an elevated wilderness of olive trees and exposed rocks that provide the elements around which it is built, allowing its natural beauty to speak for itself. An emphasis on indoor-outdoor living ensures full use of the land and its treasures that extend to sweeping and hidden beaches below.


All bedrooms have en-suite bathrooms, air-conditioning, with coco-mat natural mattresses, wood panelled ceilings, terraces, and views across the Ionian sea towards Kefalonia. Each bedroom has a unique identity. Bedrooms are designed for double occupancy, but single occupancy is possible based on availability and for a supplemental fee.

Into the Mysteries is a deeply nourishing experience for the bodies of women, which includes our homecooked meals. Our meals are Greek-inspired and locally sourced when possible. This includes vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options as well as locally sourced cheeses, eggs, and fish. Between meals healthy snacks and refreshing beverages are provided.

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Myth and Mystery: Ithaca and Kefalonia

Ithaca, home of Itha108, is one of the smallest in the Ionian island constellation that radiates with Grecian authenticity. Its shores play host to a long Homeric and mythical history whose many mysteries are sensed amongst animated panorama and secretive coves.

Ithaca and the adjoining island of Kefalonia are two hidden gems of the Greek Islands that are veiled in layers of myth and mystery. They are aligned with many Greek myths that describe the sea as a realm of both beauty and mystery.


In Homer's Odyssey Ithaca is the home of the hero Odysseus who has his own encounters with the Sirens and mermaids. Kefalonia is written into myth as being an island of nymphs and mermaids that are still alluded to in its Melissani Cave.

Away from the mainstream Greek islands, Ithaca is an untouched Ionian gem with dramatic white cliffs, crystal clear turquoise waters, and a raw beauty and mystery that will transport you back to ancient times and into otherworldly realms.

There is an ethereal quality to these islands, that are vibrating and glimmering with an intangible magic and indescribable beauty, magnetising us into their beauty and mysteries.


Ithaca Island

Into the Wild and Into the Mysteries

Into the Mysteries blossomed from the rich soils of Into the Wild.

Many are curious about the evolution of Into the Wild and how it birthed Into the Mysteries.

Into the Mysteries is both the balancing frequency and the next octave in the spiral of Into the Wild.

Into the Wild is the descent, the rooting into the tangled dark earth, the unravelling, the dissolution, the de-structing, and the dark feminine realms of shadows and earth.

Into the Mysteries is what happens when we root into the earth and then give our roots water. It is the rising, the glittering ethereal waters of life, the creating, the restructuring, the crystallizing, the becoming, the quantum feminine realms of radiance and waters.

In this sense Into the Mysteries is the balancing dimension to Into the Wild where we cultivate and harvest what we have planted into the dark soils of Into the Wild. 

In another sense, Into the Mysteries is an octave higher and a level deeper in frequency on the spiral of realms. Where Into the Wild explored the sacred dualities of our feminine and masculine energies, Into the Mysteries plunges us into the greater matrix of creation where all sacred dualities arise from and descend back into.

Into the Mysteries guides us deeper, past the realms of earth and into the primordial oceans, into a depth of consciousness that is all-encompassing feminine. It is from here that we can access higher frequencies of feminine magic and medicine.

Into the Mysteries is woven from different threads, and thus is offering immersion, access, and initiation into different levels of frequency for your reawakening, remembrance, and reclamation.


I have never offered this level of energetic transmission before in a retreat setting, but was called to do so by the waters, the mermaids, and the ancient women within us. Because the women of the world are ready for this next initiation.

The mermaids have been weaving through me for as long as I can remember. During the early years of my apprenticeship with my primary teacher, an Andean shaman from Peru, she always found it amusing that when we worked in the realms of energies and mountain spirits within her lineage of Andean shamanism, the mermaids always showed up. During ceremonies with Shipibo maestras from the Amazon, they would sit in front of me and sing songs about the mermaids or sirenas that were always with me. To this day, my medicine is always infused with the guidance, powers, and healing of the mermaids.

But it was during our last Into the Wild retreat on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua when during one of our ceremonies several women saw mermaids in the lake, that I knew the mermaids were calling to open the portal and guide women into their realms.

And so Into the Mysteries was born from the rich soils of Into the Wild. The W in wild is symbolic of the feminine shamanic descent into the womb of earth, where the M in mysteries is rising and resurrection of the feminine consciousness so it may be reborn onto earth through the bodies and psyches of magical modern women.

I chose Ithaca and Kefalonia in Greece because of the deep mysticism and ethereal magic I have experienced there. Also, because I had my wedding ceremony on this island and, of course, the mermaids showed up with whispers of mysteries and magic calling for my return...

Just as Ometepe Island and her volcanos called me to bring women to her wild lands to experience deep healing and medicine, so too have the mermaids and ancient priestesses called me to bring women into their realms for deep remembrance and awakening.

Into the Wild

Your Guide

Alena is a teacher, initiated medicine woman, healer, and priestess to Earth and the deep Feminine Mysteries who holds a vision of a humanity reborn to its own sovereignty and magnificence living in harmony with nature and the spirit in all things. 


She walks in service of the reawakening and anchoring of a new era of feminine consciousness on earth.


Alena has dedicated her life to guiding others in awakening to their own embodied truth, highest potential, personal power, and the medicine that lives within each of us through returning to a reciprocal way of living with the organic powers of creation.

She shares evolutionary shamanic medicine, rooted in the Lineage of Earth, and in service to Gaia.


Alena comes from an ancestral line of seers, healers, and mystics from North Africa, the Mediterranean, and Eastern Europe. Over twenty years Alena's path has guided her to study Ashtanga Yoga and Shaktism Tantra, shamanism, mysticism, feminine mysteries, and other ancestral medicine traditions from around the world. 


Alena continues to learn with great gratitude under her teacher and mentor, a curandera and shaman from the Andes Mountains of Peru. She is in an apprenticeship with the creatress of Womb Awakening and holder of the priestess lineages of Isis and Mary Magdalene.


Alena has taught and facilitated internationally for over ten years. She offers mentorship containers, retreats and immersions, and individual healing sessions. 

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Travel to Ithaca

Like all hidden gems and magical places, getting to Ithaca requires a little extra effort that makes it all the more worth it.

You can arrive by boat or by air. If you are flying you will want to fly into Kefalonia Airport (or Cephalonia, airport code EFL.) Our retreat includes one complimentary group transfer from Kefalonia airport to Itha108 on Saturday May 24th in the afternoon (time TBD). If you want to arrive earlier or later, you are welcome to book private transportation through the retreat centre for an added fee. Our complimentary transfer back to Kefalonia Airport on Saturday May 31st will leave at 9am and arrive at the airport by 10:30am.

Kefalonia can be reached by direct flight from Athens and other major international airport on mainland Europe. I have found the best flights to Kefalonia leave from London, and thus if you are travelling from outside of Europe I recommend booking your flight to London or Athens and then booking your intercontinental flight from there to Kefalonia. The flight time between Athens and Kefalonia is only 1 hour.


There are also direct flights to Kefalonia from Paris, Amsterdam, Germany, Austria, Italy, and other main European hubs. Please note when booking inter-Europe flights that the complete availability of flights and flight routes are not posted until April 2025, so if flying from out of Europe I recommend booking your flight to Europe first and then waiting to book your inter-Europe flight to Kefalonia in April. If you're unsure where to fly into, London and Athens will always have the best flights and fares to and from Kefalonia.

Greece boasts an intricate ferry system that connects all the islands by boat. If you are up for an adventure you can fly into some of the neighbouring islands and take a ferry to Kefalonia or Ithaca. For an even bigger adventure, you can fly into Athens and travel by bus and boat (land and water) to Kefalonia or Ithaca. But please be sure to check bus and ferry timetables carefully. 

About Alena
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Investment & Apply Now

The investment for Into the Mysteries  is $3888

Payment plans are available.

To register please submit an $888 deposit, an Application Form, and book a Connection Call.

Limited Spaces!

All available on a first come first serve basis.

Upgrade to a private room for $600

Bring a sister for a 5% discount

This Includes: 

Entire Retreat Program

(teachings, transmissions, practices, classes, rituals, and ceremonies)

7 Nights Shared Luxury Accommodation at Itha108

Homemade Greek meals: Brunch, Healthy Snacks, Fresh Fruit, Dinner, fresh herbal infusions, coffee, tea

Handmade Olive Oil Body Soap and Calendula Essential Oil Face Balm

Boat Trip to Secluded Virgin Beaches

Group Transport to and from Kefalonia Airport

Group Integration Call Post-Retreat

Pre-Retreat Preparation

Women who have journeyed with me on other retreats and women in my other programs are eligible for a 10% discount. If this is you please email me for your discount.

Apply Now
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While Into the Mysteries will guide us to dissolve old conditionings and bring deep grief and old paradigm structures out of our depths, it is suggested that a preliminary layer of shadow work has already been completed as we will be working with frequencies that require the proper foundations to be able to anchor them into our bodies. 

If you have attended Into the Wild, my Earth Medicine Mentorship, or have worked with me deeply in the past, these containers will have laid the proper foundation to be able to receive Into the Mysteries. 

If you haven't worked with me before or are seeking to prepare yourself to receive as much as possible from Into the Mysteries, I highly recommend joining my 3 month online medicine container: Serpent Medicine: Descent into the Dark Womb of Feminine Alchemy.

​If you have registered for Into the Mysteries, you receive a 50% discount on Serpent Medicine. 


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