Ancient Wisdom for an Evolving World
Earth Medicine is a personal spiritual mentorship container that roots into the ancient wisdom of the earth to reclaim and rebirth the magic and medicine within ourselves and our lives.
Earth Medicine
Earth Medicine is a bridge of Ancient Wisdom for an evolving New Earth.
Earth Medicine is a way of returning to living in harmony with Nature's intelligence, wisdom, and magic that offers us the medicine, power, and vision to return to our own magnificence and sovereignty.
Earth Medicine is a universal way of reclaiming healing, empowerment, and purpose through reconnection to Earth and the Cosmos to live an awakened life aligned with our highest possibility.
This is a path of remembering the ancient ways of Weaving and Co-creation with the Powers of Life itself to bring our greatest gifts to life for an evolving new earth.
When we remember our Sacred Connection within the Earth and Cosmos, we step into our Life Force and align with our true Power and purpose for this life.
Earth Medicine guides us to our deepest purpose and highest calling
to step into the embodied truth of who we truly are.
The Path of the Seeker
Earth Medicine is for those who feel the mysterious call of Life.
Who are called to walk a soul-rooted path.
Who are longing for their sacred calling.
Who are ready for radical transformation.
It is for those called to birth a brighter world.
Those who hold a vision.
Those who are seeking something more...
"Alena and her medicine changed my life by showing me how powerful it is to meet my darkness to experience my light. And how powerful we are when we are ready to let go of the stories that are not ours anymore and reconnect to Mother Earth."
Walk With Me...
I am here because I believe that when human beings align to the Spirit of the Earth and Cosmos, we each awaken to our unique embodied Magic and Medicine, and step into our purpose and power to birth our dreams and a brighter world into being.
My vision for this life is to reawaken to and embody the Divine Mystery that we are. It is to fully embody this experience of being human. It is to reclaim, share, and inspire the unique gifts of our souls. It is to be the portal through which the ancient ways and sacred feminine reawaken to rebirth and heal one another and the world. It is to be a vessel of alchemy to transform and transmute all that holds us back. It is to be a keeper of the sacred Darkness and rooted Light. It is to anchor in our highest truth so we may all remember to live in a state of harmony with one another and the earth for our personal and collective evolution.
I walk in devotion and service to our living Great Mother, the Earth, the reawakening of the Sacred Feminine, and the conscious evolution of humanity. It is my life's work and inspiration to guide others on their sacred journey to step into their embodied power, purpose, and sovereignty.
My life has been a living and walking devotion to exploring and responding to the call of this great mystery of existence and the longings of the soul. I was shown early in childhood the path I was born to walk as earth and nature wove herself into my body, bones, dreams, and spirit.
At the age of 15 I was awakened to my path and led to a deep remembrance of myself by the touch of the Goddess and dreamy memories of an ancient wisdom long lost that was ready to be remembered. This was the awakening that led me on my journey of embodying the memory of whom I was born to be.
I am a weaver, a witch, a priestess, and a bridge between worlds; old and new, seen and unseen. I am a carrier of the old ways of medicine and magic that are ready to be remembered. I am a daughter of the Earth. I am a carrier of the threads from lines of healers, seers, and mystical rabbis from North Africa, the Mediterranean, and Eastern Europe.
I welcome you to walk with me. May you remember and awaken to share the extraordinary beauty and magnificence that you were born to be.
Reconnect to Self and Source
When we remember our Sacred Connection within the Earth and Cosmos
We step into our true Purpose and Power for this life.
"Magic is the higher understanding of Nature."
Our Roots
Earth Medicine is as old as our earliest human ancestors. The ancient ones discovered their Medicine and Magical ways through their harmonious relationship with the Earth, the Moon, and the Cosmos.
The original Shamans worked closely with the Earth, the Womb, and the feminine fluctuations of Nature. This is a Magic and Medicine so ancient and old its mysteries were almost lost. The essence and memory of our inherent magic still lives within each of us waiting to be awakened.
Nature based Medicine, Shamanism, and Ancient Mystical lineages hold the remaining shapes of these primordial ways of living in harmony, reciprocity, and co-creation with the powers of life.
Some of these lineages were lost. But others were kept secret and hidden until a time on Earth when the people were ready to remember them.
That time is now.
The ancient ways are making themselves known again in service of humanity and the earth in this time of great evolution.
“Deciding to commit to working with Alena has been profoundly enriching and life changing for me. She holds a fiercely loving container that continues to support and anchors me into my own medicine and embodiment in depths that I hadn’t experienced before. I feel more aligned and connected to the divine mystery and earth and hold no doubt that this has come as a direct harvest of having Alena as a mentor. Her wisdom is infinite and ancient and her humility of service, incomparable. I feel extremely blessed and grateful to be witnessed and guided by such a powerful medicine woman.”
Cat - Australia
Reweaving the World of our Dreams into Reality
When we return to a way of living in reciprocity and harmony with Nature and the Spirit in all things, we remember that at our essence we are all Spirit Weavers with the power to weave and reweave the world.
Earth Medicine guides us back to our most primordial magic: how to live in relationship with Nature and the Cosmos to weave the world and life of our dreams into being.
The Medicine Wheel
Earth Medicine works closely with the power and mystery of the Medicine Wheel. The Medicine Wheel represents the sacred four directions and the feminine magic of creation, death, and rebirth. Each direction holds Medicine kept by guardians, elements, and experiential wisdom.
Through the Medicine Wheel we are able to access portals leading us to Healing, Power, Love, and Vision.
The Medicine Wheel guides us on our journey through the subconscious underworld and otherworlds, to transform limitation, to reclaim our highest purpose and power, and to teach us how to share our greatest gifts with the world.
The Mystery shifts the gravity of our soul, and guides us towards which direction of the Medicine Wheel our soul is ready to receive and embody.
REALIGN patterns and limitations
RECLAIM your power
RECONNECT to source
REMEMBER your vision for this life
These are the sacred tools and medicine that reawaken us to creating the life of our dreams.
"I started a life-changing journey, and I am lucky enough to have Alena walk with me on my path. Alena is guiding me to all the places I am too afraid to go, and helps me see them in a different light. With her wisdom and support, she is helping me shed limiting beliefs, which prevent me from finding my authentic truth. I truly love working with Alena, as she is attentive, inspirational, magnificent. Earth medicine and my work with Alena is the greatest, life-changing, gift I have ever given myself."
Tamar - Israel
Reconnect to Self and Source
When we remember our inherent belonging as multidimensional Beings in the Web of Life, we awaken to our highest potential and purpose.
Medicine is that which returns us to a state of harmony with spirit and life on earth in service of our evolution.
Earth Medicine reaches into our Deepest Roots
At the root of all our pains is Separation. Earth Medicine guides us to transforming our pains and problems into our power and purpose by leading us from Separation to Connection and from Isolation to Belonging.
"No tree can grow to Heaven unless its root reach down to Hell."
Carl Jung
Is Earth Medicine for Me?
Earth Medicine is for those who feel the mysterious whisper of life.
Who are seeking something more.
Who are searching for true meaning.
Who are longing for sacred purpose.
Earth Medicine supports...
• Spiritual mentorship for you on your life's path
• Remembering how to live in harmony and connection with Nature & Cosmos
• Discovering and embodying your gifts, medicine, and purpose for this life
• Healing from imbalances, old patterns, limiting beliefs, and areas you feel stuck
• Reclaiming lost personal power, fragmented energy, or sense of self
• Healing chronic ailments or discomforts: mental, physical, and emotional
• Living in harmonious relationship with the Earth and the Elements
• Remembering the Sacred Feminine, Womb Work, and Feminine Embodiment
• Returning to aligned relationships with love, abundance, power, and joy
... and more.
Dive Deep into the Truth of Who You Are
Your deepest medicine, strongest power, and clearest vision live within you. Together with the forces of nature we guide you into the depths of yourself to reclaim and embody who you were born to be.
Earth Medicine is a living and pulsing container interwoven with the powers of life.
The Container
The Earth Medicine Container is woven by your intention and attention, my support, and the guidance of the powers that be. As you are your own unique human blueprint with your own unique path, no two containers are alike and each Container is woven according to your unique needs and journey.
What to Expect:
- Learning Altar Work, Ritual, and Sacred Objects
- Rediscovering and connection to spirit guides, allies, and other realms
- The Feminine Mysteries, Blood Mysteries, Womb Magic, and reclamation of the Sacred Feminine
- Energy work, healings, retrievals, and readings
- Meditations, Journeys, and Journaling
- Deconditioning and Remembering
- Cycling with seasons, light and dark, and lunar phases
- Ancestral reconnection and work
- Archetypes and Symbolism
- Shadow Work
- Unearthing Personal and Collective self limiting beliefs, conditioning, trauma, wounding, and rejected parts of the self to be explored and reintegrated.
- Story Work & Hero's Journey
- Exploring and rewriting our lives to reclaim lost power, vision, medicine, and purpose.
- Sacred Teachings and Transmissions
- Practical lifestyle changes
All work is one on one and will be done remotely. Healings, Trackings, Readings, and Retrievals will be facilitated as needed.
You are ultimately your own best healer and teacher. My vision is to offer you the tools and the confidence to ultimately guide yourself to align to life in joy, love, purpose, and harmony.
Belonging is our Birthright
This is the path where even suffering transforms into pleasure, where poison becomes nectar, where the world itself becomes the abode of liberation.
- Utpaladeva, Kashmiri Sage
The Interwoven and Integrated Human
As is described in various ancestral medicine traditions, the human is a multidimensional and multilayered being. The integral layers of the human are the Physical Body, Energetic Body, Emotional & Mind, Soul, and Spirit.
These aspects of ourselves are all interconnected, inform one another, and are ultimately interwoven with the transpersonal greater Web of Life: our community, our world, Nature, and the Cosmos.
When one or more of these layers is resonating out of harmony with the greater, it is in dis-harmony and can result in dis-ease and discord in the self and world.
Earth Medicine addresses all layers of the self as an interwoven Web of Life to ensure the ultimate cohesiveness, health, and harmony of the human being and world.
Earth Medicine addresses the multidimensional human and examines each of these layers individually and in relation to one another to ensure sustainable health, harmony, and happiness.
Your Guide
Alena is a spiritual guide and medicine woman. She carries teachings from many spiritual traditions and her teachers in India and Peru. Her vision is to guide people to understand their medicine, purpose, and highest potential. By going into the depths of shadow work and light work, she works to support others in reclaiming their sovereignty.
Alena has had almost fifteen years of experience with Ancient Yoga Systems, Ancestral Medicine Traditions, modalities of Mystical Exploration, Shamanism, Depth Psychology, Nature and Wilderness Immersion, Earth Wisdom, Integrative and Functional Medicine, Holistic Nutrition, and methods of Self Discovery, Transformation, Healing and Empowerment.
Alena comes from an ancestral line of seers, healers, and mystical rabbis from North Africa and Eastern Europe. Over many years Alena's path has guided her to study under Yogic & Tantric Masters, Tibetan Lamas, Medicine Women, Shamans, and other Ancestral Healers around the world. Alena is an initiated Medicine Woman and continues to learn from her teachers with great humility and gratitude.
She works with people on the physical, mental, energetic and soul levels to help them safely transcend preconceived limitations, to unfold and discover their own capability and potential, and to guide them to transform their lives to one of greatest joy, love, and fulfilment.
6 Month Containers $4444
3 Month Containers $2222
12 Month Containers $7777
Containers Include:
• Weekly 90 minute video calls
• Practices, Teachings, and Homework
• Clearings, Healings, Energy Readings, and Energetic Support
• Availability for texting and messaging between sessions
• Container held and woven from behind the scenes
Payments Plans Available